Freiburg Campus 360 degree 3D scans

This image shows the robot trajectory and the positions from which the scans
were taken as an overlay on a Google Earth© image.
were taken as an overlay on a Google Earth© image.
Download zip archive (145MB)
This dataset was acquired on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Germany (79110 Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee). It was captured using a wheeled robot equipped with a SICK LMS laser range scanner mounted on a pan-tilt unit. The pan-tilt unit was moved to acquire a 360 degree view of the surrounding. The scans were obtained in a stop-and-go fashion and it took our platform about 25s to capture a scan. The dataset contains 77 3D scans captured along a 723m long trajectory. The average distance between the captured scans was about 10m. Each scan consists of 150,000-200,000 points.
Have a look at the README.txt for information about the formatting of the files etc..
This dataset is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence 3.0: the licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. In return, licensees must give the original author credit. See By way of attribution, please include an acknowledgement and/or citation for any results published using this dataset.
Contact Information
Bastian Steder
University of Freiburg
Dept. of Computer Science
Autonomous Intelligent Systems
Georges-Koehler-Allee 079
D-79110 Freiburg