You are here: Home Teaching WS 2016/17 Seminar: Robot Navigation

Seminar Robot Navigation - WS 2016/17

Seminar Robot Navigation

Requirements & Information

  • Organizer: Prof Dr. Wolfram Burgard
  • Co-Organizers: Tim Welschehold, Abhinav Valada, Alexander Schäfer, Tayyab Naseer, Andreas Eitel, Ayush Dewan, Camilo Andres Gordillo Chaves, Chao Do, Daniel Kuhner, Gabriel Oliveira, Lukas Luft, Marina Kollmitz, Michael Krawez, Noha Radwan, Stefano Di Lucia, Freya Fleckenstein Andreas Kuhner
  • The first meeting will take place on Thursday, November 10, 10.00 a.m. in room 00-019, building 079.
  • Students are requested to write a four-page abstract, prepare a talk of 20 minutes and to write a report. Everything is supposed to be done in English.
  • The four-page summary is due on December 15, 2016.
  • The Seminar will be held as a "Blockseminar" in the end of the Semester. The slides should be discussed with the supervisor two weeks before the presentation. The Presentations will take place on 31.1.2017 (full-day) and 2.2.2017 (morning).
  • The reports are due one week after the presentations and should be 7 pages long at maximum (latex, a4wide, 11pt) not counting the bibliography and figures. Significantly longer summaries will not be accepted. A LaTeX template can be downloaded here.
  • Wolfram Burgard will give a lecture on "How to give a presentation". This lecture will take place on Wednesday, December 21, 10.00 s.t. in SR 101-02-016/018.
  • The online evaluation of university lectures is still running until January 29. Students should have received an email to their personalized evaluation form for the seminar. Please help us optimize the seminar for the next years by giving us some feedback and fill out the forms until 01/29/2017.

List of Seminar Topics:

  1. P. Ondruska, J. Dequaire, D. Zeng Wang, I. Posner
    End-to-End Tracking and Semantic Segmentation Using Recurrent Neural Networks
  2. Jari Saarinen, Todor Stoyanov, Henrik Andreasson, Achim Lilienthal
    Fast 3D mapping in highly dynamic environments using normal distributions transform occupancy maps
  3. Clement L, Kelly J, and Barfoot T D.
    Robust Monocular Visual Teach and Repeat Aided by Local Ground Planarity and Color-Constant Imagery
  4. Rico Jonschkowski and Oliver Brock
    Learning State Representations with Robotic Priors
  5. Igor Bogoslavskyi and Cyrill Stachniss
    Fast Range Image-Based Segmentation of Sparse 3D Laser Scans for Online Operation
  6. Yuke Zhu, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Eric Kolve, Joseph J. Lim, Abhinav Gupta, Li Fei-Fei, Ali Farhadi
    Target-driven Visual Navigation in Indoor Scenes using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  7. Connor Schenck, Dieter Fox
    Visual Closed-Loop Control for Pouring Liquids
  8. Luigi Palmieri, Andrey Rudenko, and Kai O. Arras
    A Fast Random Walk Approach to Find Diverse Paths for Robot Navigation
  9. David Held, Sebastian Thrun, Silvio Savarese
    Learning to Track at 100 FPS with Deep Regression Networks
  10. Kushleyev and Likhachev
    Time-bounded lattice for efficient planning in dynamic environments
  11. Duvallet, Felix and Walter, Matthew R and Howard, Thomas and Hemachandra, Sachithra and Oh, Jean and Teller, Seth and Roy, Nicholas and Stentz, Anthony
    Inferring maps and behaviors from natural language instructions
  12. Rafael Valencia, Jari Saarinen, Henrik Andreasson, Joan Vallve, Juan Andrade-Cetto and Achim J. Lilienthal
    Localization in highly dynamic environments using dual-timescale NDT-MCL
  13. Bolei Zhou, Agata Lapedriza, Jianxiong Xiao, Antonio Torralba, and Aude Oliva
    Learning Deep Features for Scene Recognition using Places Database
  14. Kai Wang, Boris Babenko and Serge Belongie
    End to end scene text recognition
  15. Markus Hehn, Raffaello D'Andrea
    Quadrocopter trajectory generation and control
  16. Aviv Tamar, Yi Wu, Garrett Thomas, Sergey Levine and Pieter Abbeel
    Value Iteration Networks
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