

Exercise groups

Group Raum Zeit TutorIn
Group 1 (German) 051 03-026 10:15 - 12:00 Thorsten Engesser (thorsten.engesser@gmail.com)
Group 2 (German) 052 02-017 10:15 - 12:00 Daniel Leinfelder (ai.daniel@tutor.tf)
Group 3 (Bilingual) 101 00-036 10:15 - 12:00 Janosch Deurer (deurerj@tf.uni-freiburg.de)
Group 4 (Biligunal) 051 00-006 10:15 - 12:00 Martin Goth (martin+ai@tutor.tf)
The exercise sheets may and should be worked on in groups of three (3) students. Please write all your names and the number of your exercise group on your solution. You can submit your exercises directly to your tutor via email (the preferred method) or before the lecture in the lecture hall.

Exercise dates

  1. Friday, 08.05.
  2. Friday, 22.05.
  3. Friday, 19.06.
  4. Friday, 03.07.
  5. Friday, 17.07.


Sheet No. Date handed out Date submission Additional material
Exercise 1 22.04. 06.05.
Exercise 2 13.05. 20.05.
Exercise 3 10.06. 17.06.
Exercise 4 26.06. 01.07.
Exercise 5 08.07. 15.07. It is possible that not all content of this exercise sheet will be presented in the lecture until the due date. All exercises will be presented in the exercise groups.

Main Slides Exercises
Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge